confirm,kn...tinggal lar aku dok sengih kt sini...Jd,bila aku dpt jer tawaran ke kursus ni,aku terus pegi walau pun berat ati nk tinggal kuarga tersayang aku...hehe...
Masa ari pertama lapor diri tu,aku pegi dgn Lini...kwn se jabatan aku...comey org nyer...masa tu,husband aku lar yg anto...baik sungguh husband aku tuh,siap amik cuti semata2 nk anto aku...sampai jer d Ikwas,aku dpt sebilik dgn kwn aku nih...ape lg,happy tahap meroyan ler 1 jer dgn kwn aku ni,dier senyap cket...kadang2 mati kutu aku,hatinyer baik, g citer menda lain pulak..ha,sambung balik...pastu, dlm koi 4 ptg tu, hubby aku pun blk ler lepas nganto aku...sedey jerk aku tgk dier blk sorang2...pastu aku dok dlm blk,borak2 ler dgn kwn aku ni...baru nk kenalan lanjut lar konon...masa tu,tak kenal lagi kengkawan lain...kira esoknyer baru ada kelas....1st day rehat dulu...
Hah, ari ke2 lak, baru nk kenal dgn kengkawan yg lain,tp masa tu tak berapa mesra lg...kira takut,segan, malu n bla...bla sumua ada bila hari2 seterusnyer, hati aku dh rasa seronok pulak dok kt situ...mana taknyer,kengkawan sumua sporting habis, beb!aku suka!...Mcm2 aktiviti ada kt situ...Masa ice-breaking,best paling best masa kena jd saintis,kaji binatang yg dh pupus skrg...kahkahkah!aku gelak dlm ati lar...malaz nk gelak kuat2...ahaks!
Pastu tiba ujung minggu, kami dibenarkan kuar meronda sekitar kluang or air itam...masa ni,lar kitorang sumua jd rapat...rapat mcm adik beradik...susah sesama,sedih sesama,happy sesama!ni aku bg aku mmg tak dpt lupa dkt Nik Nurliyana,Puteri Najiha,Shazwani,K.Zura, Yati, K.Zam, Fatty, Lini dll....dorang ni,mmg sporting lar antara gambar2 yg dpt aku sisipkn utk tontonan korang yg sanggup singgah kat blog aku...hehe...
Utk kwn2 d Ikwas tu, I Miss U all! Ummuah! nnt kiter jumpe lg, tp kt umah i,ok? huhu
kanan skali tu, org panggil wani..mmg chicky orgnyer...yg tgh tu,fatty...also chicky jugak!
Yg baju ijau tu,aku panggil Kak G,yg tudung pink lak,Yati...yg pakai blazer mcm aku tu, frenz gak ar...
K, ni gambar yg last skali, meh aku kenalkan...ini lar rakan sebilik aku..nama dier Lini...
Masa last day tu, ati aku mmg sayu nk tinggal Ikwas tu...teringat blk masa tgh sibuk2 study 1 mlm sebelum exam...semua berkumpul dlm 1 bilik, lepak2 smbil berbincang topik2 best dan topik2 panas...yg aku tahu,perbincangan kami sepanjang d situ,byk berkisar ttg diri masing2...akhir skali,salam perkenalan utk korang!zasss!
Whats up people
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I developed a Starcraft Two website found here:
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I will be going to be adding a lot of things to the site, such as replays, vods, fpvods, maps, live streams, tools, esports info and much more. There's a wiki there and really could use helpers to assist. I hope you fellas can register as my goal is for this website to be one of the strongest Starcraft II sites on the net. Please register asap as there will be a tournament. If you have any feedbacl please feel free to let me know!
Thanks. Great forum btw!
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all that dirty candy that those rich guys at mars sold you turned on you and got you and your mama running around looking like the wicked witches and wizards of the west.
You go to the denstist and get a cleaning but what the hell is that going to do? You've got caved in teeth, appalachan mountain teeth, rocky mountain teeth, and general crackhead related teeth.
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